>> Tuesday, February 07, 2012

sorry for this sudden shift but YERS!

I'll be Back!

>> Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Dear all my lovely readers and also my friends, i'm so sorry for lack of post (and for a long time) i've escaping for blogging world. No i'm not die, or what so called tired of all these, but to be honest to say that i need to more focus on all i've done on my own offline relationship and bussiness. Yaiph on fact, its so difficult to manage my own time, even i want to blog so bad, but yah.. traffic jam, meeting, and some photoshoot project was killing me softly. Thanks and smooch for all of you who stay and keep in touch with me on facebook and twitter all this time, well, both of these social media is my best way to intant-ly connect to the civilization! + you!
promise i'll be back with new post, new photos and story soon, Oh God,.. its a tons of photo that i can't wait to share with,.. till the next post rockstars!

Dinner With My 2nd Family

>> Sunday, July 10, 2011

SO SORRY FOR PHOTOS FLOODING SUPERSTARS! There's no plan before (as usual) i have to meets my bff Ino, who one of (Dream Star's) vocalist for very fast dinner with two bff's others that i called "the sweetest couple (Reza & randy) after our such a rush week, finally!

I just missing them ( Reza, Ino, & Randy) so so much. Got a big smile on my face when on my after hours from my office and with my strange uniform, (remember?) i got a sms from Ino that we must celebrate the our last successful project, not sure too meet Reza but she told us that we may come to her dating time ahaha. That's what i call my girl Reza, she's always love to share happiness to her friends not excepted on her dating.

Well, after this i might not meet them for one month or even more, caused our occupation each other. I'll go on my other project, Ino would be busy with his promotion album also, and what about you Reza? Married? hehe. Its hard to find kinda 2nd family like all of you guys. But we must believe there is no matter where u are, surely we'll always have a family called friend's ;-)

Till the next post superstars!

Flannelette Square

>> Sunday, July 03, 2011

HOW ARE YOU ROCKSTARS? I MISS YOU! okay okay, this is such an instant post after my last post from last one week already.(what? *my bad) But seriously after got so stess+ing week with Reza's blog design maintenance, i don't even know from where i must continue my own blog. Too Its must be many photos already took but no time to post here.

Nah! Today the weather was strange here, uhm its sunny but cold wind also, such my summer was fake in a week. So, my uniform for work (in holiday) should change a bit. A flannelette shirt became my choice for layering my basic white tee to reduce the uber cold wind but also my sweaty stress+ing day. Then? Strange weather, strange outfit (especially for my office mate who's they saw me in a T-shirt often more) but please guys, tell me that i'm not in a wrong outfit. =p Happy Sunday all!

Basic white tees from Polo, Flannelette Shirt from Magma, Watch from Calvin Klein

Five Minutes with Me?

>> Friday, June 24, 2011

AFTER HAVE SUCH A HOLIDAY ON WEEK DAY. And it was a tons of inbox in my email, but over of all, one of my flagged (that's what i did to mark which email need to follow up) inbox is pay my attention (a lot) . I know its must be a big sins for me to forgot this but i think that never be late to tell ya'll about this. Do you want to know? oh come on! i can't hear you? Okay, so you want to know right? hihihi but first, give me a drum rolls please..


Welcome Dream Star!

>> Monday, June 20, 2011

MEET MY NEW FRIENDS OF FRIEND BFF'S "DREAM STAR"! And what an honor to make a project for kinda rising Boyband like them (of course!) it was no single releases yet, but their fb fan's page will be hits 1000 more "Starlight" (call sigh for their fans) soon!!! Trust Me! After the million number of Boyband fever in a couples month, so i think there is not impossible for them i bet. *eheheh


Ruffle's + Bloom + Colors

>> Sunday, June 19, 2011

SO HAPPY that Dazed & Confused shown us an exclusive preview of the Autumn/Winter 2011 collections. And Yes! They've bring us to such an extraordinary dream world, the mixing of ruffles, texture, pattern, color and such an elf movements gonna be success made me want to be there! sa sa sa swoooon ! and great weekend everyone ;-)

Image via


>> Thursday, June 16, 2011

AS I PROMISED on my prev post hunny, here is detail of Reza's outfits will be exciting day today , and how about ya'll??? Guhreat day everyone ^^

Photo by Me, still via Phone =p

Reza After Hours

>> Tuesday, June 14, 2011

OFFICIALLY MEETS Reza on her official's office wardrobe! She is really such a perfect actress! caused sometimes she look's gurly, in the other time she look's glam and now she looks such a New Classic Girl! yaii!!! Stay tune for the details girls. And what for next Reza?

PS : So curious with your next outfit Reza ^^
PSS : Girls, She (Reza) also have a blog! but you might use your google translate and not about fashion but interesting blog yet, i pretty sure, Check it here

Shirt inside by Jen Jen from Japan, blazer R'M by Cindy, bottom from her closets ( OMG she's forgot where she got it!) , shoes from Marks Spencer, bag from mom's stuff, hair piece from Valencia.

Photo by ME instant via Phone

Batik Fever!

>> Friday, June 10, 2011

SINCE Mr. ES BE YE a.k.a our beloved President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono inaugurate friday as Batik day. I saw these stuff in almost of departement store . Aren't they so cute? Lil' weird on my mind when saw "Batik pattern" applied on goodie bag but Good Job! Mr. President ^^

PS : this is could be happen on last couple years already but who care, i just realize it today! =p