Reza After Hours
>> Tuesday, June 14, 2011
OFFICIALLY MEETS Reza on her official's office wardrobe! She is really such a perfect actress! caused sometimes she look's gurly, in the other time she look's glam and now she looks such a New Classic Girl! yaii!!! Stay tune for the details girls. And what for next Reza?
PS : So curious with your next outfit Reza ^^
PSS : Girls, She (Reza) also have a blog! but you might use your google translate and not about fashion but interesting blog yet, i pretty sure, Check it here
Shirt inside by Jen Jen from Japan, blazer R'M by Cindy, bottom from her closets ( OMG she's forgot where she got it!) , shoes from Marks Spencer, bag from mom's stuff, hair piece from Valencia.
Lee Oliveira · 719 weeks ago
lee x
stevia · 719 weeks ago
but it turned out to be such a lovely girl
and I love her ruffles top!
PS. i din't DIY the lace shirt, I bought it from an online store :)